Description: Superior Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained directly from olives and by mechanical means only.

Origin: Sierra Sur de Jaén (Spain)

Height: Over 1,000 masl

Olive variety: 100% Picual

Production Process: Early harvesting in November, with the selection of the best fruit. The time from harvesting to grinding and processing is minimised in order to obtain the highest quality product. During the grinding process, overheating is avoided to minimise the release of volatile elements, thereby maintaining the oil’s beneficial health properties (antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins liposolubles, etc.)

Acidity: 0.1

Size: 500 ml.


Appearance: Clean, bright green colour

Scent: This oil has a green tone and fruitiness, it contains a wide variety of subtle nuances including green almonds and fresh grass. Its spicy and medium bitter flavour make this exquisite oil a pleasure for the palate.

Suggestions: Ideal for all types of salads, cheeses, ham and meat. Perfect for recipes that bring out the oil as the main protagonist.