Description: Superior Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained directly from olives and by mechanical means only.
Origen: Sierra Sur de Jaén (Spain)
Height: Over 1,000 masl
Olive variety: 100% Picual
Production Process: Harvested in December, we obtain a more mature olive oil with smooth qualities allowing you to appreciate its evolution.
The time from harvest to grinding to processing is minimised in order to obtain the highest quality product.
The olive oil is filtered to avoid the formation of small dregs in the bottom of the bottle over time
Acidity: 0.12
Size: 500ml. y 250ml.
Appearance: Clean, greenish yellow colour
Scent: This extra virgin olive oil stands out for its intensity of aroma and flavor. Its medium-high bitter flavour and spicy tones, together with an intense green leaf taste, make this an exquisitly balanced and full-bodied oil
Suggestions: The perfect companion to white fish, rice, pasta, caseroles and cheese.